Early Renaissance
The best word to describe Renaissance Academy’s early elementary curriculum is “understanding.” All subjects—math, science, history, biology, art, music, language, Spanish, and geography—are taught to promote an understanding of the principles and processes rather than rote memorization.
Early Renaissance offers first to third grade multi-age classrooms where students are allowed to excel. Lessons are presented to students individually, in small and large groups. All students work at levels tailored to their abilities, allowing each child to reach his or her greatest potential – with confidence and joy. Social development and deep learning occur as the children model and teach each other in rich, collaborative learning experiences. Hands-on work, literature based reading, special projects, and independent explorations highlight a curriculum through which every student flourishes.
Renaissance students build strong learning habits as they grow in academic strength. Problem-solving and reasoning skills grow naturally in an environment where personal responsibility and self-respect are paramount. Deep concentration, interest-driven exploration and the active listening and ordering of thoughts are central to the early Renaissance Montessori day. Children learn time management and to be responsible for their own learning. In addition, regular social skills lessons teach cooperation, conflict resolution, and respect and understanding of other people.
In our enriched Renaissance Montessori classes children develop good values and self-confidence as they build academic skills and conceptual understandings that lay a foundation for a lifetime of learning.